Friday 11 June 2021

Grace Under Pressure, Alternative Facts, The Q


This docu-drama comes from a series of interviews conducted in 2017 with various health care professionals about the stresses and pressures of the job - using largely their own words to tell the stories about the joys and the frustrations of having life and death decisions in your hands in an industry where often the worst care is held out to their own employees. It's a confronting set of tales, with shocking moments throughout of cruelty, bullying, emotional destruction and occasional personal dignity and self-respect. Simply staged by director David Williams, performed by a strong ensemble of four playing both the various interview participants and occasionally the interviewers, on a simple yet powerful set by Isabel Hudson, this is stunning direct theatre, storytelling at its rawest and most powerful. Williams has a strong foundation in this kind of verbatim theatre, being one of the foundation members of Version 1.0, who a decade ago were turning government inquiries into powerful theatre such as "CMI (Certain Maritme Incident") about the Tampa enquiry and "Deeply Offensive and Utterly Untrue" about the Coles Weapons-for-wheat inquiry and in this one he takes a more perisomal yet equally powerful look at the way society fails to care about those who care for us.

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