Sunday 21 April 2019

Rhys Nicholson: Nice Things Nice People Nice Situations, MICF, Victoria Hotel

Rhys Nicholson is a young comedian at the top of his game. He works fast and incisive, barely leaving space for the audience to laugh before he's onto his next joke, constantly on the move. And his current show is a strong, if slightly unfocussed, pileup of comedy looking at modern life for a happily partnered gay man under 30. One of the things that's noted for Australian Comedians is that the cycle of doing an annual Melbourne Comedy Festival shows means there is a constant requirement to come up with new and different material - but it does sometimes mean that you get shows that are development points rather than perfectly honed shows all on their own. Nicholson's a polished and skilled comedian, and the show has a reasonable sense of structure, but I do want to see what happens when he has something stronger than just himself and his attitudes to focus on. It's good to watch him under development, but I want to see where he gets to.

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